Today I sat down and tried to see if I could get pig tails in Genevieve's hair. I had attempted once, and failed. She was all over the place, and she kept running away. It was a mess. You know what they say though...If at first you don't succeeded, try, try again. Well that is just what we did.
I planed out my attack for about 20 mins. I realized that a show she loved would be coming on, and she'd probably sit still long enough for me to put them in. (I was wrong by the way) She sat sort of still while I combed her hair. I spent the rest of the time following her around with the band in one hand, and her hair in the other. She didn't like it when I put it on. Her hair is still so thin that it took many times around to make it stay. Even then it wasn't very tight.
After about 15 mins, I had got both done. I had got her hair taken care of. I hurried up and took pictures. I knew they wouldn't stay in long. Sure enough, before I had a chance to get them all put on the computer, they were out. At least I got the pictures though :) Here are a couple just so you can see how little hair she has, and how cute they were.
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