Thursday, January 3, 2008

I Learned Something New Today

So, today I learned something that is good to know for the future. I learned with two kids that I cannot do things in the same time I use to. Allow me to explain a little.

Today was my first day with both kids alone. I worried that I would have issues, but I really did fine. I ended up on the sofa in the early morning hours because Samuel didn't want to sleep quietly. With his Daddy going back to work today, I didn't want to risk the chance of waking him up. So, I took Samuel and headed to the sofa.

This morning my hubby headed off to work. He stopped by the sofa on the way out the door and kissed us goodbye. I got a couple of phone calls but nothing that woke me up totally. About 40 mins later Genevieve woke up. I went in, got her changed and dressed for the day. I got her some breakfast, and we found Dora on TV. The morning went surprisingly well.

Nap time came and went. Both kids slept well for about the same amount of time. I used that time to catch up on some email and to put my feet up. I learned now that I need to use that time to get things done. My mistake, but now I know.

At 3:00 I gave Genevieve a snack, nursed Samuel, and I started on my quest to clean up the kitchen and dining room. It was a big feat for one day. We have had company the last 15 days and the bar had become cluttered with "stuff." The table was covered with odds and ends due to my hubby and I going through a lot of stuff in Genevieve's room and in the living room. Needless to say the job that should have taken about an hour to complete right took me about 5 hours.

It would start with Samuel. He would start crying soon after being put in the swing or chair. I know it is because he is use to being held all the time with having grandparents here. He would want that or to nurse again. Genevieve would want to sit by me during that time and want me to put her arm around her. If I could get Samuel to sit alone, Genevieve would want me to play with her, or she would get under my feet. It went on and on until I gave up. Before I did I got all of the kitchen done. I just had to pick up toys and the table after Genevieve went to bed.

One useful thing I learned today was that Samuel does not mind the Snugli after he gets into it. He fussed for the first little bit, but he soon fell asleep and rested well while in it. Good to know because that means that I can use that when we go out for groceries and for stuff we need. I am still worried about going out with two little ones, but at least I know that he can get use to the Snugli. Wish me luck because tomorrow I have to go out to get a few things. It should make for a great blog. :p Make sure and check back tomorrow sometime to find out if the kids ate my lunch at the store :)

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