Friday, June 27, 2008

Loosing Weight Update

So I thought I'd update everyone on how things are going. I have now lost about 18 lbs. I have taken off all baby weight from both babies, and I am at the weight I was (1 lb less actually) when we got married 6 years ago. Now that isn't saying a lot, because I was no small cookie then. However, I have to take time to pat myself on the back for making it back this far. Now I have to get over my hump and get going again. I want to make my next goal to loose 10 more lbs. That is enough in sight that I won't get discouraged, but it is still a significant change. So, I'll keep everyone posted, and maybe some day I'll find some before and after pictures to post. I'm not ready for that yet :)

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Congratulations, girl -- that's AWESOME! I think I found what you lost. :)