Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Trouble Makers...Generation 2

If you have been around in my life for awhile, you know that I have a very dear friend Lacy. We have been friends ever since I moved to Tribune, Kansas at the start of my 8th grade year. As the story goes, the school librarian introduced us at a pottery class for the local 4H. Later in the day Lacy saw me at the pool. She decided that she didn't have a lot of friends, and I was new and needed a friend. She then (as we jokingly say) stalked me at the pool, and we became best friends.

Now if you fast forward to present day (*cough* many years) you have these two crazy girls. They both had a good time with each other. It was so cute to watch them play and have fun. It's like they know they are to pick up and carry on the crazy adventures of Em and Lace. Only now it is their turn. I can't imagine what crazy things they will do in their lives.

Lacy and I really had a lot of fun thinking back about life over the past years. We were laughing because we both bought our dresses at the same place. We have a very bad habit of getting the exact same thing, and we don't even know it. There was one time she came into my house, and she saw a dress in my closet. She then got really mad at me because she thought that I had taken her dress without asking. We then wore said dress (without talking about what we were wearing) on the same day to the same event. There were also many times in high school when we'd show up with the same jacket on or same color shirt. It was very strange. We even have a picture of us at church one day. She went to another church and just ran by mine to ask a question. When she showed up, she was wearing a cream shirt and green pants, and I was wearing a green shirt and cream pants. We were just on the same crazy wave.

Anyway, it was a blast to see her. It was so nice watching the kids play together and have fun. We will all see each other again at our high school reunion in August. I can't wait for the girls to get together and play again. We just have so much to look forward to with the two of them. Lets hope they don't give us as much grief as we gave our parents. I'm sure they will though.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

I absolutely love the pictures of those two ornery little girls! You guys have got your hands full!