Thursday, February 21, 2008

A New Look

So I decided to get one of those new mom cuts that most tend to hate. I have always kept my hair somewhat short just because of how thin my hair is. I am always having to wash my hair daily because of the way it looks. It seems to get really oily and stringy. I hate it. Well, with two kids, it has been very hard for me to keep up with doing a lot to my hair every day. So I did it. I got a new look.

I decided about 5 mins before my appointment that I wanted to get a body perm. I was worried it wouldn't turn out well, and I would hate it. I'm always like this though with new things no matter what they are. During the whole process I was worried that something would go wrong, and my hair would look horrible after it was all said and done.

After they finished with the perm, they went in to cut it. I got the cut that I wanted even if I didn't get the perm. But when they were done cutting, my hair was totally flat! I asked what happened to the perm they had just put in. I was informed that because they combed it to cut it, it made it flat. I was told that when they wet it down again, it would curl right up. Sure enough it did.

It's been a week since I got my new look, and I have to say that I totally LOVE it. I don't have to wash it every day anymore, and it still looks great after three days.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

You look so cute! Glad you found a hairstyle that makes your life easier... wish I could!