If you know me in person, or you know me well, you know I don't usually get up very early. I have worked to "train" my kids to sleep in as well. Samuel not so much yet, but I have done good with Genevieve. All this to say, YES, the time on the post is right. I am writing this at 9:21 am to be exact. To some this may not seem early, but I have already been up, taken care of a few morning things to do, and surfed the net for about 45 mins. So for me...a big feat.
Anyway, I did not post the last couple of days because life in our house has been crazy. First it started on Wednesday night. Our bulb in our TV broke. I had called the day before to get one sent to us, and I declined overnight shipping because it was 40 dollars. The standard shipping was free. So, here we sit with no TV (well we have a small one in our room). It isn't a huge deal to me, but in the instant it happened I was scared to call my husband. I was very surprised to hear him say, "No big deal." I had informed him that I had just called the company again to see if they could change my shipping, but they could not because it had already been processed. I was relieved until he called back about an hour later. He then informed me that the Super Bowl was this weekend, and how we wouldn't have the TV for it. Needless to say it has been several days, and we are still alive. I don't know if I will get out of the dog house for not having the glorious 52 inch DLP HDTV up and going for the Super Bowl, but he needs to get out and buy a suit anyway :p
Thursday brought us snow, horrible wind, and a doctor's appointment. I had my 6 week check up after having Samuel. Everything looked good, I got an IUD, and found out I only have 4 pounds to loose before I am back to my pre-pregnancy weight. That is good news for me because I had spent about 2 months before getting pregnant trying to loose weight. I lost quite a bit, but of course put it back on in the last 9 months. So, for me it is back on the exercise equipment that we have here at the house, and back to Weight Watchers in a couple of months. I should start now, but I am going to wait until we get settled from our move to take that on too.
Yesterday was a long day. I felt like I worked 2 full time jobs. I was up by 7 (again as you know above, I'm not an early riser). I got ready, got Samuel ready, and then went on to coax Genevieve out of bed (again above with "training" her to sleep in). We finally got out the door at 9:15, and headed to the local Sonic for a drink before heading off to her appointment. We arrived at that appointment with about 20 mins to spare. I tried to leave extra early. They have valet parking and though that is suppose to make like easier, for me, it doesn't always...this being one of them.
For valet parking, I always feel like I should get out of my car, toss the keys to the guy parking it, and leave as quickly as possible. It seems like people are impatient to wait for you to get your child out of the car. I can feel them staring at me and thumping their fingers on their steering wheels watching the crazy mom get out of her van to load up kids. It wouldn't be so bad, but I have two kids in car seats, and they both need to get into the stroller, and then up on the curb and in the building. The area for the valet parking isn't that big either. I always feel in a rush, and I hate that feeling more than anything.
Anyway, I loaded both kids up in my new double stroller, and headed to the office. We had fun playing peek-a-boo with the fish and playing with the toys until the doctor called us back. Genevieve still has stage 2 to 3 reflux on one side. The other side is totally healed. The doctor informed me of the options. We could do Deflux (the surgery she has had twice) one more time, we could do open surgery (it involves cutting the bladder open and moving that tube further into the bladder), or just dismiss her. All include their risks. If we just let it go, she could have major issues if she were to get an infection and it hadn't work itself out. She would at that point have to have the open surgery. If this happened later in her life, it could cause serious issues to her kidneys and bladder. If she were pregnant (weird to think of your 2 year old being pregnant), it would cause even more issues and be harmful to her but also her unborn baby. If we choose the open surgery they will do as I described above.
My husband and I are oppose to the open surgery. There are a lot of side effects when recovering, and if we can avoid it at all costs, we will. They said from that surgery there will be bladder spasms for up to a year, painful recovery, and she would be in the hospital for at least 3 nights. So, that brought my choice down to the two. When you look at the risks of not doing anything, it just made sense to go ahead and schedule her for her 3rd round of Deflux. The doctor also informed me that you can only do 3 rounds, and in his hundreds of Deflux surgeries he has NEVER had to do Deflux 3 times. So, this will be her 3rd and final Deflux surgery. That means after this is done, they will do an ultrasound to check for obstruction, and they will release her. (Clinically there is a 100% success rate with the 3rd round). She is scheduled for next week.
After that appointment I took both kids to the doctor's office. Genevieve has been feeling icky. She has a runny nose, and started to cough recently. When I was getting ready yesterday morning, I noticed that Samuel was doing the same. With him being only 6 weeks, I really worried about it. Both went in, and both came out with meds to take. Genevieve has another ear infection and is congested. Samuel was coughing and the doctor wanted to put him on meds because of how much he is around Genevieve. So, that's what we did.
By 5:00 pm I finally had made it home. The two kids were now sleeping in the back of the van. I unloaded everything but them, and I went back to pick up their meds. In the time I was gone I had time to feed the kids, change their diapers, make sure they were entertained, and to keep them mostly happy. In that same time, I had time to eat 1/2 a burger, drink a coke, and run like crazy. I did not however find time to use the bathroom until I had put Genevieve in the tub at 6:45. I am glad I'm not pregnant still, or that would never fly. When talking with my friend, I told her I felt like I just got home from my full time job. She then said, "Em, you are a stay at home mom with TWO kids. That IS a full time job." I guess she is right, but at least on a normal day I get a bathroom break every now and then.
As busy as it sounds, and as much as I feel I might be complaining, it was nice to be out and about. Again since we have no TV in our living room, no cartoons. We don't spend a lot of time a day watching TV, but I'm glad that we have been busy so we don't think about it.
Wow, and now I look at the time (10:00) and I realize Genevieve is STILL in bed. I'm off to start the day with her, and I'm praying my babies feel better soon.