Thursday, January 8, 2009

2 Kids, 25 Degrees, and a Fire Truck

Today has been a very busy day. Genevieve went to school, and I was looking forward to relaxing a little. Well, that didn't happen. I suddenly had about 50 things to do, and it was just easier to do them while she was there so I was only dealing with one child. It's funny how when you only have one child you live for those moments when you can do something alone. However, when you have two children, your day is made when you only have to deal with one of them. That was today. Needless to say, I was looking forward to bedtime tonight.

Tonight is a night where I am the sole parent. My husband is off at "Army School" (as Genevieve calls it), so it was nice and relaxed...for a bit. I spent the evening getting the kids fed, giving baths, putting PJs on, and then tucking in kids. Samuel went down very easy. Genevieve not so much. She had finally gone to sleep, and I had eaten dinner. I had just got really comfy on the sofa when the excitement began. The fire alarm for the building went off.

I hauled through the house to get a coat for me. I got my coat on, and I got Genevieve up and her snow boots on. I got her wrapped up in her fuzzy blanket and told her to go to the door. I ran into Samuel's room, and I wrapped him up in a blanket too. I grabbed the phones (home and cell), the van keys, and we headed out the door.

The cold hit us like walking into one of those meat freezers. It was so cold. I quickly got Genevieve into the front seat of the van, and Samuel and I headed to the driver's side. I started the van and prayed for it to warm up quickly. There is a law here in Germany that you can't let your car idle for long periods of time. If you do, you could actually get a ticket. I didn't really care though. We were freezing as it was.

It took 20 mins for the fire department and the MPs to show up. I think that is pretty poor myself. If there had been something wrong, I think the building would have been gone :p At least we got back in and the kids went back to bed. There was a bit of fussing and crying, but for all that excitment, it didn't bother me too much. Needless to say, I hope that doesn't happen again without my husband here.

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