Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Early mornings and MOPS

What a long day! I have trained my daughter well so she knows not to get up until at least 9:30. What can I say?! I'm a night owl, and I like to sleep. It works well for both of us, and what is it they say? When momma ain't happy, no one is. :p Anyway, I decided to go to a local MOPS meeting. Someone on an online message board had told me about the group in their area, and how much fun it was. I looked it up online, and sure enough, there is a group here in town. Only starts at 8:30 am.

The time didn't keep me from going though, in the past it might have. I am desperate to make some friends around here. I don't know why now, but I really feel a need to get to know other moms here in town. It took me long enough considering we have been here for over 2 years now. However, today was successful. I didn't make plans outside the meeting, but I did meet some amazing women.

Needless to say, I am very tired from getting up much earlier than I normally do. Genevieve didn't do well with the early morning either. When I put her down for her nap, she put her head down on her pillow, looked up at me, and said, "Night night Mama." Talk about making my day :) If only it were always that easy. Tonight when she went down, she was mad because her Daddy took away a toy that she wanted to take with her. I usually wouldn't care and just let her, but this one wasn't really bed worthy. She got over it, but not without screaming for a bit.

I am looking at the screen, and I just can't focus. I am really tired, and my stomach is doing somersaults. Tomorrow will be another early day as well. Genevieve is having surgery again, and we have to leave the house at 7:30. It will be another long day. So I'm going to just be done tonight, and get some rest :p I guess it's a boring day :)

1 comment:

Amanda said...

So glad you checked out MOPS and are making some connections -- even if it is right before you move away. Thinking of and praying for you all during G's surgery.