Monday, December 29, 2008

A HUGE Success

That's right! I have a picture of a potty on my blog. At least it isn't OUR potty or a USED potty.

Let me start off saying how much I hate potty training. It's been real hard for us. Genevieve had bladder issues, and it did make it harder to get going. We had to wait for awhile longer than we wanted to really get going. Because of her surgery, we had to wait to be cleared. So we have had a potty chair in the home since she was 18 months old, and we have been working on it slowly since.

With the move it has been hard to really stick to the whole goal of becoming diaper free. I was told by many people that she'd have set backs from the move. After all the crazy things going on before the move, all the uncertainty, and many back and forth discussions with my friend the potty training pro, I decided it would just be best to wait for our move to really hit it hard. So we waited to push anything.

Well, we have been working on potty training for about 3 weeks now. We started maybe a week or so before that, but 3 weeks ago I started with the potty charts and really hitting it hard. We have had a few stand offs (which I am happy to report I won), but it has been going good. She goes to "school" a couple of times a week, and she usually does really good doing everything on her own there. They tell her to go, and they make sure her pants are pulled up all the way. Other than that, she does it all.

So today a big breakthrough has occurred. This afternoon she came up to me and said, "Momma, I need to potty." So we went back to the bathroom, and she went. I was so happy she told me. This has been the hardest part for us. Later tonight I told her she needed to go potty. I told her to tell her Dad and have him take her. She bypassed her Dad, and she went on her own. I walked back and she was on the potty and done. She was just about to get off. I couldn't believe it! How awesome is that!?

I'm so thankful things are going well, and I can't believe it is going so easy. Keep your fingers crossed that she is totally trained soon. As soon as she can do it on her own, and be totally trained, she can go to a preschool program here that is offered. She's so excited about school, and I'm sure it helps the process. Another way my baby is growing up. Way to Go Genevieve!!


it's me, just me, nothing fancy, just simple me said...

yea! i'm so glad to hear that it only took 3 weeks! that gives me great hope for our little man. good job g!

Unknown said...

I am so glad you guys are having progress. I despise potty training and I dont know if I should give it up for a while since its not working or I just so wish I could skip this

ps..tyler has the same potty you posted on your blog but he doesnt like it and uses it as a step stool to the sink. He prefers the ring around the toilet.