Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day!

Is anyone else besides me glad that Election Day is today? I am a very firm believer that every person should vote because it is a right we were given. It is something that we can do to help shape our country. If we don't like the way things are going, we can make the changes by the votes we make. If we think things are going well, we vote to keep them going the way we like. Even if the person we think would be right doesn't win, we still did a good thing by voting.

All that being said, I'm so tired of all the junk on the news about the candidates. It has got so old. I have watched a few of the debates, and I have seen more than my fair share on Fox News, CNN, and MSNBC. My only saving grace is that being in Germany, we don't have regular TV. So we don't get regular commercials. I don't have to see the political ads running non stop. It makes me wonder if there will even be anything to report about when this is all said and done. What will happen when the US goes back to "normal"?

We will not be able to stay up and see the results in real time tonight. The polls won't even start to close until around midnight or 1 am here. That's a time my body doesn't hardly know anymore. I'm so old :p This is really one election I have no idea how it is going to go. If you haven't got out today to vote yet, get a move on :) Besides I always say, "If you don't vote, you don't get a right to complain."

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