Thursday, October 30, 2008

Yikes! A Test!

We have now been in Germany for over a month. It's been more like a month and a half. I didn't really worry to much about my driver's test because we had no van. No van equals no driving. I wasn't about to jump in someone else's car and take off down the road. So, the time has come. I am finally taking my driver's test tomorrow.

It is a long test due to some instructions and a video/class on the test before hand. I was told that you have to study. You can't just go in and expect to pass from what you know from driving all those years in the US. Last night I did study questions 1 to 81. Tonight was 82 to 154. I didn't do too bad. I still would like to do better, but I think the video/lecture will drive home the things that I missed when taking the test. The signs are kind of tricky, but I will make sure and go over those tomorrow.

If you saw my last entry, you know that I have been reading the Twilight books. I read the first two, and I was waiting on the second in the mail. They really shouldn't have been here until next week, but they came in the mail today. I about died when I saw my husband walk in with a box from Amazon. I was so excited. I told him I shouldn't start them until after my test, or that I might be thinking about them during the test. He took me serious, and he has hid them from me. I can probably guess where they are, but I cannot reach them. I'm too lazy to take a chair back there, so I better pass so I can get my books.

Anyway, keep your fingers crossed. I'd like to have my license tomorrow so I don't have to do it again. I have never failed a driving test, and I don't plan on starting now.

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