Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The End of an Era

Well not really an Era, but it seems like it could be that long. We had Genevieve's last post op appointment on Monday. I was sick with the flu, and I didn't gather a lot of what was being said. All I know is they did the tests, and she came back okay. The doctor said if we think we want it, she can be seen in a year for a follow up, but it isn't necessary. He also took her off all meds. This is the first time my baby has been med free for 2 years. The other night she went to bed and the conversation between her and I went about the same as it does every night...

"Good night Genevieve. I love you." *Give hugs and kisses and cover her up*
As I leave the room
"Uhhh Momma?"
"Yes Genevieve?"
"Uhm, Drink?"
"You have one."
"Oh.....Uh Momma?"
"Yes Genevieve?"
"No Genevieve, you don't need it anymore."
"Oh....Night night."

Her "Uhhh Momma?" has become our new thing. I know she is stalling going to bed, but she will only do it once or twice before I make sure I mean business before she goes to bed. It's just so cute to hear her say it :p

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Wow, congratulations! That's a really big deal! I love the "Uhh, Momma." So cute!