Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Lazy Days

August 27, 2012

I was planning on writing everyday when I started this journey, but like a lot of things in life, it just didn't happen. I'm kind of sad that it only took a couple days for this to happen instead of weeks or months. However, having two young children at home and a slew of activities makes for long days. I'd like to say I have a good excuse, but I'm fresh out of creative ideas. Mainly it boils down to me being lazy.

Friday didn't hold much promise for anything. In the middle of the night, there was a huge thunderstorm that just wouldn't quit. It made for great sleeping weather, but it appealed to my lazy side.

Samuel was in hourly care all day on Friday. After the whole week of running back and forth to get him to school, I needed a break from all the driving. I took him in the morning and didn't pick him up until after I got Genevieve. I spent the morning cleaning like crazy and the afternoon watching TV with my feet up. It was great.

Saturday brought more rain and a day on the sofa reading books. We took a time out for an indoor BBQ, but other than that I read, read, and read some more. It was nice to be able to take the time to just veg out.

As you can see, I haven't been living up to the crazy hectic life I think I usually have. However, if you can't take a break form time to time, what can you do? It was a nice break while it lasted.

Today was back to the grindstone. I was back to the old take the kids to school, hurry up and get stuff done, and drive, drive drive. As the days slip by, things should hopefully slow down to the nice school time pace.

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