Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Dishes, Vacuum, and Laundry...YUCK!

If you ask me if I can keep this up, the answer is no. However, I want to try really, really hard to improve. What is "this" exactly? I want to work on keeping my place clean. It sounds like something stupid and trivial. I mean a 31 year old woman should be able to keep an apartment of this size (only around 900 sq ft). It is my weakness though. If you ask me to list something that I do well and something I need to work on, that would be what I need to work on. They say when you are asked that question in an interview you are suppose to make it something positive or spin it so it is that way. I usually respond with I'm always very punctual with time. I believe that being on time is late. You should always arrive somewhere 5 to 10 mins ahead of time to be ready to work on time. My negative I usually state is something like I care too much. That by making emotional connections with people I work for, with, and help, it makes it hard for me to be objective at times. This shows that I take a personal interest in my work. I take time to make relationships between co-workers, bosses, and those I work to help (usually children or elderly).

If I were answering the same question about being a stay at home mother, it would be a lot different than the last question I just answered. Something I do well in this roll is have fun with my kids. We do so many different things, and I'm always eager to get them into new locations and doing new things. My weakness, cleaning. I don't like to do it, I can't always see what needs to happen, and I am not good at it when I actually do it. I feel like I'm a failure. I can't figure out why my brain is not wired right for cleaning. My husband complains about this a lot actually.

So my goal as of right now is to try and keep the house as clean as I can. I don't know if I need to make a chore list, find some way to organize what I'm doing, or what will even work for me. I am at a loss. If anyone out there has any good ideas, please let me know. I'm willing to try anything just about right now.

Why now? Well for one I'm not getting any younger. I also want to be an example to my kids. I have been on Genevieve for a long time now about her room. I make her pick up her room every night. She is lost. It takes her forever, and she fights every step of the way. I realize that if I set an example for her, she might be more willing to follow. I don't want her to struggle with this the way that I do. So we are moving to being a good example and seeing if that helps. Lets hope it does.


TheEnchantedLocket said...

Eeeks, I so know what you mean!! I feel like I pick up the same toy/shoe/whatever ten times a day and tomorrow it will be RIGHT back where it was the first time I tripped over it. :) LOL Cut yourself some slack, being a mom to young children is wonderful (of course) but also a lot of work!

Sending some good vibes your way.


Unknown said...

Can you turn pick up time into a game? "Ok, lets see if you can pick up all the blue things faster than mommy can pick up all the red things" or "books vs. stuffed animals"
I'm horrible about it too! (paper work is my WORST thing and there's almost always piles of stuff EVERYWHERE!!) it's really helped having a place in the living room for toys... my girls don't like playing in their room. they want to be out here where I am (so social) so i found a very inexpensive padded trunk/bench that I can store toys in... makes evening clean up MUCH faster than trying to drag all the toys back into their room when they are just going to drag them out again in the morning. But I don't have a coffee table, so the trunk is what I use for that.

Remember too that this is a season, the kids are at those stages they need you more. when you have older kids, they help and it gets easier, but you're at the two under 6 stage and that's tough!! :)